I've begun to receive all my "wish books", aka: seed catalogs.
My favorite by far is Baker Creeks which is super thick this year!! They have SO many seeds now. And they are all free from GMO's!!!! None of that nasty Monsanto!
The only problem is, I've no extra money to buy seeds this year. The good news is that I only really "need" one or two things that I want to try to grow that I don't have seeds for. So I'll probably skip those this year OR I'll just wait and order them later (and hope they still have some seed) and plant late. Not the best choice but I could always toss the seeds into the fridge (I swear I need a fridge just for my seeds) until next spring... 2015.
I'm going to try to go all out this spring, build two or three more raised beds... I'd love to have at least five more.... but we will have to see about that.
English Walnut trees are still on my wish list and yeah, I'm going to get a few of those nuts from Wally world this winter and plant them.... see what happens. I did plant a bunch of those a few years ago in one pot and I have one nut tree but I'm not sure exactly which.... I'm thinking Almond, which is very cool.
Which reminds me, I need to transplant that this spring before it gets leafy. And my ginko tree. And my oak tree...... And.... hahaha! just kidding................ I think. ;)
Anyways, enjoy going over your own "wish books" of seeds! Maybe I'll make a plan this year. hahaha, right.