Yes eventually my goal is to have NO grass .... well let me correct that, no LAWN to mow... cause I fully want some grasses. Like lemon grass and some nice tall grasses to help with privacy and provide some food for the chickens I will be getting. :)
The college where I go to school and work has nice prairie garden filled with native plants. And I am slowly identifying them all. Ok, now do not laugh, but I just realized we have Dogbane in that garden! If you have never seen Dogbane, it has a very unique fruit. Two ovaries fuse, making two long fruits (similar to a skinny green bean) and then fuse on the ends. Just the two ends are fused. I need to get a picture.
but it is raining and storming out right now. I will try though later :)
Now I already have a pretty good start on some native plants in my yard. I have some nice yarrow and will most likely take a trip along the Ridge (that is Crowley's Ridge which is very unique, Google it) and see what plants are in seed right now. I hope to find some passion flower in seed. I always seem to miss that!
And despite my numerous efforts, I cannot seem to get Echinacea, purple cone-flower, to grow in my yard. I will be snagging some of the Ozark/Golden cone-flower from the prairie garden this year and trying that next year.
Here's to Native Plants! I hope you plant many and learn all about them and their medicinal uses!!
Feel free to share your favorites!